2018 HATalk Competition Entry
Elisabeth Koch
Elisabeth Koch – China
Category: Modern
I love collecting things, never knowing what’s going to happen to them. Sometimes I’ll keep them for years before using them in a hat. I had these long stiff, but slightly bendable reeds for a very long time. When my floor fan broke, I kept the protective cover as it reminded me of a hat, but I stayed in my studio for a very long time indeed. Then I decided to “weave” the reeds through the holes in the fan cover. After trying a few ways, I decided on this one. I pushed the reeds through the fan holes, making sure they stick out evenly on all sides. The reeds were dyed black with ink in a striped fashion. I also painted the side of the plastic fan cover with permanent black paint and gold spray paint, in the same striped fashion. Happy with the look, I added elastic so that the wearer can keep the hat on their head with elastic going down at the back of the neck.
- natural reeds
- black ink
- gold spray paint
- black permanent paint
- a plastic cover of a fan
- elastic
- blocking (wooden hat block)
- drawing the pattern
- cutting (metal ruler, scalpel)
- sewing by hand
- gluing