2019 HATalk Competition Entry

Milica Schiavio

Milica Schiavio – USA

Head in the Clouds


My hat “Head in the Clouds” represents equilibrium because for safe travel in an airplane, equilibrium is needed, meaning that a steady flight requires all forces upon an aircraft to be in balance. My hat represents travel, safety, and imagination. There is even a real seat belt on top of my hat. I have traveled around the world and enjoyed all of the cultures I have seen and all the people I have met along the way. The hats that I make are avant-garde and I sometimes feel as if my own head is “in the clouds” dreaming of what I will create next. At the end of the day though, no matter how extravagant the hat I make, it always balances and is in equilibrium. “Head in the Clouds” is representative of that.


  • Lampshade
  • Clear plastic cup
  • Demo emergency seat belt from airplane
  • Soft white hat
  • Ribbon


  • Cutting
  • Gluing
  • Sewing

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