HATalk Competition Entry 2022

Karen Geraghty

Karen Geraghty


Name of Hat


The water has always been my happy place, especially spending time in the water. Swimming, diving, snorkelling, floating on my back staring at the sky. I love the soft buffeting of the waves and current. This hat took its inspiration from diving. It has always felt like entering in a different world.

I recreated the sea urchin base using embroidery thread, bead caps, domed, drilled and painted aluminium disks, and beads. With the feather duster worm and ribbon eel, I tried to capture the flow, buoyancy, and weightlessness of the ocean, as though they’re moved by a current. I experimented with so many different materials before deciding on dyed silk for the feather duster.

The pinokpok lining was dyed and swirled to look like the inside of a sea shell. The most challenging parts for me were keeping it organic looking, and remembering it still needed to look like a hat.

I realised while working this piece that my other happy place is getting lost in planning, researching and experimenting. As long as I’m not diving, I can still make hats and spend time in this happy place.


  • The parisisal sea urchin base is embroidered in stripes, and covered in painted bead caps, aluminium disks domed and drilled, and glass beads. All of these were stitched on using several different colours of embroidery thread. The hole in the top was wired and rolled under
  • The ribbon eel is sinamay, wire and crin. The coral polyps are pleated crin
  • The feather duster worm is made from dyed, fringed and snipped silk and painted floral wire, then the base wrapped in wire
  • The lining is a dyed strip of pinokpok, swirled, pressed and stiched to resemble a shell


  • Vintage parisisal
  • Petersham
  • Millinery wire
  • Paper covered craft wire
  • Floral wire
  • Elastic
  • Bead caps
  • Aluminium disks
  • Acrylic paint
  • Embroidery thread
  • Fabric dye
  • Pinokpok
  • Silk
  • Crin


  • Vintage parisisal
  • Petersham
  • Millinery wire
  • Paper covered craft wire
  • Floral wire
  • Elastic
  • Bead caps
  • Aluminium disks
  • Acrylic paint
  • Embroidery thread
  • Fabric dye
  • Pinokpok
  • Silk
  • Crin

Note: Entries have been not been edited or proofread to protect the integrity of the maker's original meaning. 

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