HATalk Competition Entry 2023
Caroline Rogers
I started by blocking a halo in sinamay and wired it for strength. I then used squares of folded silk to cover the front of the halo to represent the view of fields you get from an aeroplane. I always love the patchwork effect the fields create. I covered the back in a plain aqua silk. I used crin next and pulled it via the thread and twisted it around so the folds all went in the same direction. I stitched this along the edge and back, in 3 rows so that they ran in different directions to create sea waves. This represents the sea crashing onto the land. I finished the front shorter wave with a crin flower for some detail height. Earth to me is a mass if land and water and this hat represents these two elements. The curve of the halo represents the curve of the earth when viewed from space.
Blocked sinamay
Wired halo shape
Stitched halo block together
Folded silk squares and stitched in place
Covered back
Created cotton lining
Created waves from crinoline
Stitched waves in place
Covered headband
Added headband
Cotton multiprint lining
Crinoline braid
Gutterman thread
Petersham to cover headband
Cotton multiprint lining
Crinoline braid
Gutterman thread
Petersham to cover headband
Note: Entries have been not been edited or proofread to protect the integrity of the maker's original meaning.