HATalk Competition Entry 2023

Nicola Mearns

Nicola Mearns

United Kingdom

Name of Hat
Explosion of Earth


This design is inspired by the journey of the Earth. From an era, billions of years ago, when Earth was covered in active volcanoes, flowing lava fields and noxious gases. To a time, where it is now, dominated by life and plants.

The base is a freeform felt, manipulated to create grooves as rock layers, undulating terrain and ocean. The elements of the hat of lava flowing from a volcano, plant life and aquatic life.

One side is an abstract representation of chaotic. volcanic eruptions and lava flows, created by using a variety of hand embroidery stitches, to embellish the felt structure. Abstract shapes, represent the twists and turnoff the hot lava, in reds, oranges, yellows and gold, to represent the heat. Different thread textures, created a 3D effect to emphasise the movement. Bright yellow staccato stitches represented the speed and power of the flow.Long stitches represented the rivers of the lava cascading down the mountain.

I am in awe of how plant life emerges from such destruction. The crevices collect water and seeds and plant life grows in the rich volcanic soil. From the lava design, I began to add plant life with stems formed using a variety of miniature macrame and hand embroidery.

The underside of the hat represents the cave drawings by early man, of ancient animals. I used acrylic paints and chalk to hand paint them in the style of the drawings found in Lascaux Cave in France.

In all, my hat represents Earth’s beating heart, pulsating with energy and its amazing ability to create life!


Free form Felt Technique
Hand blocking the crown
Hand Embroidery
Invisible stitching
Hand painting of fabric


Wool felt capeline two tone Burgundy and navy
Spring wire
Silk thread
Acrylic paint
Glass bugle beads


Wool felt capeline two tone Burgundy and navy
Spring wire
Silk thread
Acrylic paint
Glass bugle beads

Note: Entries have been not been edited or proofread to protect the integrity of the maker's original meaning. 

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