HATalk Competition Entry 2024

Shandana de la Riviere

Shandana de la Riviere


Name of Hat
Things We Carry On The Sea


Last year I read a very moving poem by the Chinese American poet, Professor Wang Ping. To give you an idea of how heart stirring the words are, I am adding a couple of lines here:

Poem Title : Things We Carry on the Sea

We carry tears in our eyes: good-bye father, good-bye mother
We carry soil in small bags: may home never fade in our hearts
We carry names, stories, memories of our villages, fields, boats
We carry scars from proxy wars of greed

(You can read the full poem at https://poets.org/poem/things-we-carry-sea)

It immediately prompted me to contact Professor Wang Ping to request a collaboration on a fashion project, which she graciously accepted. My competition hat is part of that collection. I was thrilled to see the HATalk Competition theme, Water. Because it exactly fits my hat titled, ‘Things We Carry On The Sea.’

I have created this hat to mimic water in the sea, using special materials to give it iridescence, that one witnesses in the foamy ocean waves, on a bright sunny day.

The hat, which is sculpted in a wave shape, also feature tassels at the front. If you look carefully, you can see words from Wang Ping’s poem embedded in what looks like clear droplets of water, hanging from silver chains at the front of the hat.


  • Create a wave shape silicone mould with an undercut for headband
  • Caste epoxy resin in the mould
  • Create white foamy waves
  • Embed a metal headband in the resin
  • Make water droplets and embedding text from the poem in the droplets
  • Use silver chain to attach the droplets to the front edge of the hat, creating a dangling fringe
  • Add a cushioned area for the wearer’s head with a blue felt lining on the underside of the hat, with lace on top
  • Add rubber tips to the ends of the headband, so it does not hurt behind the ears


Epoxy Resin
Mylar foil
Mica Pigments and epoxy paints
Metal Hairband
Guipure Lace
Sterling silver chain


Epoxy Resin
Mylar foil
Mica Pigments and epoxy paints
Metal Hairband
Guipure Lace
Sterling silver chain

Note: Entries have been not been edited or proofread to protect the integrity of the maker's original meaning. 

HATalk Competition Entry 2024

Shandana de la Riviere

Shandana de la Riviere


Name of Hat
Things We Carry On The Sea


Last year I read a very moving poem by the Chinese American poet, Professor Wang Ping. To give you an idea of how heart stirring the words are, I am adding a couple of lines here:

Poem Title : Things We Carry on the Sea

We carry tears in our eyes: good-bye father, good-bye mother
We carry soil in small bags: may home never fade in our hearts
We carry names, stories, memories of our villages, fields, boats
We carry scars from proxy wars of greed

(You can read the full poem at https://poets.org/poem/things-we-carry-sea)

It immediately prompted me to contact Professor Wang Ping to request a collaboration on a fashion project, which she graciously accepted. My competition hat is part of that collection. I was thrilled to see the HATalk Competition theme, Water. Because it exactly fits my hat titled, ‘Things We Carry On The Sea.’

I have created this hat to mimic water in the sea, using special materials to give it iridescence, that one witnesses in the foamy ocean waves, on a bright sunny day.

The hat, which is sculpted in a wave shape, also feature tassels at the front. If you look carefully, you can see words from Wang Ping’s poem embedded in what looks like clear droplets of water, hanging from silver chains at the front of the hat.


  • Create a wave shape silicone mould with an undercut for headband
  • Caste epoxy resin in the mould
  • Create white foamy waves
  • Embed a metal headband in the resin
  • Make water droplets and embedding text from the poem in the droplets
  • Use silver chain to attach the droplets to the front edge of the hat, creating a dangling fringe
  • Add a cushioned area for the wearer’s head with a blue felt lining on the underside of the hat, with lace on top
  • Add rubber tips to the ends of the headband, so it does not hurt behind the ears


Epoxy Resin
Mylar foil
Mica Pigments and epoxy paints
Metal Hairband
Guipure Lace
Sterling silver chain


Epoxy Resin
Mylar foil
Mica Pigments and epoxy paints
Metal Hairband
Guipure Lace
Sterling silver chain

Note: Entries have been not been edited or proofread to protect the integrity of the maker's original meaning. 

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