HATalk e-Magazine
Issue 206 - May 2023
2023 Dubai World Cup Style Stakes: A look at the latest racing fashion from Meydan Racecourse.
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e-Magazine / Issue 206 – May 2023
In This Issue
2023 Dubai World Cup Style Stakes: A look at the latest racing fashion from Meydan Racecourse.
Henry the Hatter: The oldest retail hat store in the USA celebrates 130 years in business.
Rencontres Internationales des Arts du Chapeau: The 14th international hat making competition at the Atelier-Musée du Chapeau.
Hat of the Month: Astro Girl – Sandy Aslett’s Lillian Frank AM MBE Millinery Award finalist.
Make a Felt Flower with Metallic Detail: A step-by-step flower making tutorial by Elena Shvab.
Q & A: Hat block form.