Hat Making Project
Feather Crown
Create a fan-shaped 'Paradise Wonder' feather crown on a headband.

Hat Making Project
Feather Crown
Create a fan-shaped 'Paradise Wonder' feather crown on a headband.
Projects / Feather Crown
Project Overview
Hat designer Lilia Fisher is known for her bold seasonal collections and creative feather work. In this tutorial, she explains how to make a fan-shaped feather crown, a design that she calls ‘Paradise Wonder.’ This is a great project for beginners because it requires minimal tools. Lilia used crow and goose feathers in her design but you can substitute other types of feathers instead.
Category: Fascinators
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Project Overview
Hat designer Lilia Fisher is known for her bold seasonal collections and creative feather work. In this tutorial, she explains how to make a fan-shaped feather crown, a design that she calls ‘Paradise Wonder.’ This is a great project for beginners because it requires minimal tools. Lilia used crow and goose feathers in her design but you can substitute other types of feathers instead.
Category: Fascinators
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